Friday, September 28, 2007

fuck this place

around 1:00 am, I was awoken by the sound of water drip dripping,
smack, smack, smack, smack, smack onto the wet bathroom floor.
It turns out that it's raining outside and now water is dripping into my bathroom.
I put down a bucket, no problem. The water starts to drip with more
vigor until it reaches a steady stream, like that of a drunkard pissing
in the street. I'll need a bigger bucket, either that or keep changing
the small one every ten minutes. it's now 3:00 am and I now have
two 63 liter buckets collecting thewater from two different sources.
The rain water mixed with whatever shit is on the roof
and in the building (our apt. is on the middle floor) is a light brown
color, similar to a light english ale. The smell is unpleasant, dirty,
smokey,plastic and paint, unlike a light english ale. I feel a bit nauseous.
I would like to sleep but I should probably tend to the buckets;
I don't want them to overflow. but why is this my responsibility?
I'm a renter here, fuck this place.

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