Wednesday, April 23, 2008

i don't know

some chick on Dave's is complaining about being a teacher:

one of her issues is unexpected paid time-off. how do you say "up tight" in Spanish?

I fucking love unexpected paid time-off; I show up, class is canceled, I don't do shit, I'm paid!

The problem is when it's expected. I don't show up, I don't do shit, I ain't paid.

On Friday is some kind of fundraiser where the kids run around the track and get a few dollars for every lap. (track = thing you run on, lap = once around the track).

They definitely don't need me there but I was thinking about showing up anyway and sending them the bill.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Ignatius in Korea

I stumbled onto this one through English Teacher X (ETX).

This guy is totally insane, or totally sane, I forget which one, kinda like Ignatius, the main character in John Kennedy Toole's "Confederacy of Dunces" (Thanks Linus), but in Korea (by the way, i saw the book in the store the other day with an "employee recommendation" on it :-).

Either way, it's worth a read:

Friday, April 18, 2008

Lo li ta

I'm the only male teacher at the school.

The 8th grade girls are constantly trying to provoke me, mostly by exaggerating the tone of their voice when they greet me 50 freakin' times a day, "Heeeeeeloooooo Mr. Smith!" as they flash little lolita smiles.

I do an excellent job of ignoring them and that has calmed them down a bit.

However, on free-dress day when they are allowed to wear something else other than their uniforms, one little curvy temptress always goes out of her way to show me her cleavage. You know, she'll kind of hunch over her desk, making sure her top is drooping while she casually brings her arms in, smushing her breasts together (see pic for example, not my student).

I've thought about making a note of her name and googling her in about 5 or 6 years.

"Hey Lizzy, remember me? I'm your old Spanish teacher. How about you come down to Cancun for Spring Break!"


Working with kids is very intellectually stimulating.

It's also a bit olfactory stimulating; they fart a lot.

Monday, April 14, 2008

That sucks

so, in class, we were talking about what we did over spring break. one kid went on a tour with his parents to Idaho, then down to Arizona and back.

I asked, "How was it?"

He said, "It sucks!"

I respond, "It sucks or it sucked?"

He looks confused.

I add, "It was long..."

The class erupts in laughter.

Blow jobs will be scarce in this country one day, mark my word, all thanks to this funny little expression, 'that sucks' which is ultimately a negative expression. You see, kids are quick to make the connection that blow jobs literally suck. They confuse the metaphor.

Conversation with a DOS (director of studies)

I can't blame you; you're not paid well, either. I don't mean to put stress on you; why can't I cancel a class. listen, I already talked to Lucy, I told her I couldn't come in today. she asked why and I explained. It happens, people cancel, we rearrange a meeting, it happens, get over it. Of course, I'll never say this to you because I'll need you to give me a good reference on my next job, so I write this here.

go get fucked.

Fucking berlitz. they charge the clients $120 and pay me $30.

what can I say

...Ihavent'beenaverygoodblogger.posts have been sporadic,maybeifIcarrieda notebook. ideas come to head, seemingliy funny things happen in class, I neglect to write them down, I forget what they were, although they probably werent'very good anyway. I got into this mostly because of the other language teacher bloggers listed at the right. I thought it would be fun to wrtite about the goings on. and it's been fun but I havnt really been giving it much attention, as you have surely noticed. and for that, I will now post some have baked entries. enjoy.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Contract Negotiation Update

One of the schools made an offer; it's not bad.

I was thinking of making a counter-offer, try to squeeze a little bit more money out of the pope. You know, to cover any extra work, trainings and binges that are sure to come up.

Second thought, I might just take the offer. I don't want them expecting me to do more than just showing up.