Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The pink slip.

MC Ward spoke of trousers in one of his recent, most fine pieces. I, on the other hand, would like to consider the slip, the pink-slip, to be exact. Context sensitive, it is not a woman's undergarment. When in a classroom, the referring to such a thing during random, nay, ordinary classroom chaos can, and most of the time will, strike the fear of god into the heart of the casual student. The dastard, however, should be made to return home to pee and em with one in hand. Yours truly had the pleasure of doling out such a fine parchment just yesterweek to a kid who demonstrates great potential for criminal mischief. I had balked at such an action several times previous, however, I have finally made good on my intentions, and not without a result in the positive, fortunately. I fear, however, that several others of a similar ilk may have to share a similar fate. Sooner or later, they will come to know that I am a force with which they must reckon.

1 comment:

M. le Prof d'Anglais said...

Good for you! Like you, I held off doling out detentions, which means now I have to hand them out like Smarties; it's the only thing they understand.

Remember - a detention in time saves nine.