Wednesday, June 25, 2008


ESPN loses the visual feed, not the audio, on Turkey v. Germany. Instead of going with audio only, calling the game play-by-play, ESPN went to the studio for some kind of round-table discussion.

Fucking bastards.

The producer should be fired, taken to the town square and have rotten tomatoes empalled about his neck and shoulders.

Because of this, all of the U.S.A. missed the 3rd and 4th goals. We caught the 5th and then missed the rest of the game.

In desparation, I went online, trying to find a radio station; no luck

Finally, caught the ending on the house AM radio, Spanish channel.

How did you cope in your neck of the woods? ESPN claimed that there was a global blackout.


M. le Prof d'Anglais said...

I don't have a TV and my ISP doesn't stream any channel that showed the game, so I watched ESPN on a p2p program. Bastards!

M C Ward said...

SporTV also lost the picture, but when I switched on the game was almost ending, and I'd forgotten it was on. Seems like the blackout was indeed global, though.

Jason said...

It was lost in Germany and Norway too...

El Gringo Vasco said...

okay. but did the announcers go straight to play-by-play?

that's the part that really pissed me off: only the video was lost; we still had audio and instead of doing play-by-play announcing, they went to the studio.

there was a moment there, right when they lost the feed, they switched to live shots of the fans in the square and the announcers were still talking, only not about the play-by-play action.

"Oh, ladies and gentlemen, we've just lost the signal. Look at the fans, they seem to be having a good time"

Do you think it's possible that ESPN was announcing the game from a second location, watching video; rather than sitting in the stadium watching it live in a booth?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it really was global. We had a blackout too. I'm not sure why though. High tech-hooligans at work?

El Gringo Vasco said...

global black-out, fine. the part that pissed me off was that they went to some round-table discussion rather than do play-by-play.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

Anonymous said...

I always inspired by you, your opinion and way of thinking, again, thanks for this nice post.

- Thomas