Saturday, January 26, 2008



Beginning: January 28, 2008, piloted in middle school (gr.6-8)

Dear Parents,

Since Christmas break we’ve noticed an increase in some chronic behaviors, particularly in our middle school students. Teachers and staff report having to ask students several times to be quiet, stay in their seat, and in general, correct them for not following directions. Some students try to argue or question the teachers’ authority. We’ve tried many interventions and consequences to try and correct these behaviors with little success. Many of the behaviors by themselves are not severe, but they are chronic and it makes it difficult for teachers to teach and other students to learn.

Therefore, beginning Monday, in middle school only, we will be enforcing our policies in a much stricter manner. Instead of pink slips, each teacher will have a roster with a check list. If they need to correct a child, that child will receive a check and will be told they have received one. If a student reaches three checks in one day, he/she will be immediately sent to the office and you will be called to come and pick your child up for the rest of the day. We strongly feel that if a student cannot follow the rules of the school, then they should not be here. The student will be allowed to return the next day and the three checks will start over again. This way each day is a fresh start for them. Obviously, a serious infraction will bypass the three checks and result in immediate intervention.

We believe most of our students have just developed bad habits and are not purposely being disrespectful. This method will help them correct their behavior and develop better habits for learning. It will also help us single out the students who need more guidance and help making necessary changes in their behavior.

Please sign the next page and send it back to school on Monday. Thank you very much for your support and concern.




Mimi's Pa said...

Hey Gringo,
Yeah, I drifted to your Blog a few months ago through the stats counter then saw you added my link--so I returned the compliment.

We discipline problem students similiarly but none of our students are packing Glocks and AK's. Is Kevlar part of your dress code? Should be.

Anonymous said...

Dude! This is a clear sign that you are making progress in your educational efforts. Obviously the children's sense of independence and free, critical thinking have been boosted by SOMEONE lately... even the principal admits it! Now if you can only plant the idea of a student union inside their gullible little heads... eh? We'll see that red flag of victory waving proudly over the Njew Sozcialist School of North Wjest Amjerica yet! Toma, papa!

El Gringo Vasco said...

O: no kevlar. although there is one student who would worry me a bit if I were to worry about it.

L: so, you think this is my undoing? perhaps it is.

M. le Prof d'Anglais said...

Great letter. My school should send out something like this. Like it says, the kids aren't always wilfully disrespectful, but they genuinely beleive they have the right to pick and choose what rules to obey. The classic one is that they think it's OK to chat in class so long as they weren't the ones who actually started the conversation.

The classroom is a democracy, but only the teacher is old enough to vote.

El Gringo Vasco said...

"it's OK to chat in class so long as they weren't the ones who actually started the conversation."

that's hilarious and, shockingly, true!